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  • BelleART is aaaaaa natural intensifier for regenerative forces. BelleART extract, purify and empower multiple regenerative molecules (growth factors) and an important anti-inflammatory (anti-destructive) factor, called "interleukin 1 receptor blocker" from your own blood. These molecules are able to reduce destruction of joint cartilage and promote tissue regeneration.

  • BelleBeauty is a natural intensifier for regenerative forces. BelleBeauty extract, purify and empower multiple regenerative molecules (growth factors) and an important anti-inflammatory (anti-destructive) factor, called "interleukin 1 receptor blocker" from your own blood. These molecules are able to reduce destruction of skin cells and promote skin regeneration. In fact, BelleBeauty facilitate skin rejuvenation.

  • BelleDerm is a natural intensifier for regenerative forces. BelleDerm extract, purify and empower multiple regenerative molecules (growth factors) and an important anti-inflammatory (anti-destructive) factor, called "interleukin 1 receptor blocker" from your own blood. These molecules are able to reduce destruction of tissue cells and promote wound regeneration.

  • BellePearl is a natural intensifier for regenerative forces. BellePearl extract, purify and empower multiple regenerative molecules (growth factors) and an important anti-inflammatory (anti-destructive) factor, called "interleukin 1 receptor blocker" from your own blood. These molecules are able to regenerate endometrial tissue leading to successful implantation.

Molecular Medicine

The molecular medicine perspective emphasizes cellular and molecular phenomena and interventions rather than the previous conceptual and observational focus on patients and their organs.


Future is Here.

Why Us

Get everything you need to find your healthy stuff.

Artic is an academic based company enjoying from professional scientists in the field of medicine, molecular biology, clinical immunology, pharmaceutical science and polymer engineering. Novel ideas in Artic Company begin their journey through hours of challenging sessions, multiple laboratory examinations...

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ARTIC is a molecular medicines company. Here, Science and Biology collaborate in an artistic manner for production of unique kits to extract essential cytokines from patient own blood (autologous). ARTIC kits are powerful tissue regeneration intensifiers with no reported side effects in human and animal body.

Healthy days + healthy tools


1079 Ed Roth Terrace
Sunnyvale, CA 95051




Artic Inc. All right reserved.